Ramen & Gyoza lunch with Swedish & American guests

It was a chilly late Autumn day in November & my guests’ choice was hot bowls of Ramen and sizzling Gyoza on a pan, yummmm! My little kitchen was pretty full with a group of fun American girls and a couple from Sweden.

After a brief talk about our recipe, then basic seasonings and ingredients, we were all set to start chopping, mixing, simmering and for sure tasting at times.  We also prepared chicken version of Ramen for some of my guests so there were many things to prepare, but with 12 good hands we managed to handle every process of cooking.

Gyoza is really recommended for a relaxed gathering of good friends!

We had lots of fun moments and laughs over the table! Many thanks for coming!






Fun family hours over Japanese home made lunch

Welcomed a lovely family from Nevada, USA and their favorite menu choice was Gyoza, of course!

My guests got to learn some basic facts about Japanese Dashi ingredients,  then taste them as well.

This class was actually arranged by a charity organization Make A Wish. We are honored to be chosen as a host for one of their experiences in Tokyo. Big brother, big sister and young boy, 3 siblings and their Mum and Dad all joined in preparation of chopping veggies for Gyoza filling, simmering various  ingredients for Dashi broth etc. After a few hours of lots of tasks, finally our Japanese style lunch was perfectly done.

Great job and great family team work!  I am so grateful to be part of their relaxed and warm family hours in Tokyo. Hope our little boy liked Japanese food and Miso flavor.

Many thanks for coming!


Chicken & Pork Ramen Class for American foodies

This was a little busier-than-usual  class as we prepared 2 kinds of Ramen broth, regular pork soup as well as chicken version, since one of my guests preferred non-pork dishes. For Gyoza, we normally use pork for filling but this can also be replaced with something different, such as chicken, beef, mushroom, root veggies, Tofu etc.

If I would be informed of your dietary preferences well in advance, there are several alternative options so please drop us a message before you arrive! Our home cooking class is small with max 6 people only, so  I am very happy to discuss what type of food you are really interested in.

My guests were all Americans on this day, a family visiting from West coast and a group of young officers based in Japan with their visiting friend. So some of them are very familiar about things in Japan, while others are new to this side of the globe. I am sure it was a nice opportunity for my guests to exchange good tips and advices how to enjoy your stay in Tokyo!

Many thanks for coming!
